Belts, Balance Wheels, Hand Cranks & Electric Motors


Stock code


Price AUD

LTB-B183 Budget Leather Treadle Belt 5mm×183cm W/Hook



Oak tan Leather Industrial Belt 7.5mm×110cm W/Hook
(other lengths on inquiry)

Perfect for Pre 1950 industrials
(Limited stock)


Oak tan Leather Industrial Belt 7.5mm×185cm W/Hook
(other lengths on inquiry)

Perfect for Singer classes 16, 29, 31, 103K
(Limited stock)

BHW-0016-P05 Staple Hooks Dia 1.6mm for domestic and light industrial belting, 5 pack
BHM-0015-P05 Staple Hooks, Dia 2.0mm for industrial belting, 5 pack
HCS-H125 Chinese Made HA-1
Hand crank & Balance Wheel Set
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Finished off (rough edges etc filed and ground away) with "Made in China" decal painted over.
HCD-H125 Chinese Made HA-1 Hand Crank
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Finished off (rough edges etc filed and ground away) with "Made in China" decal painted over.
BWD-H126 Chinese Made HA-1 Spoked Balance Wheel
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Irregularities filed back and painted black
HCS-B125 Chinese Made HA-1
Hand crank & Balance Wheel Set
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Tested and finished of as funcional but aesthetically "as shipped"
HCD-B125 Chinese Made HA-1 Hand Crank
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Tested and finished of as funcional but aesthetically "as shipped"
BWD-B126 Chinese Made HA-1 Spoked Balance Wheel
for Singer and Compatible Japanese Models
Tested but aesthetically "as shipped"
MOD-090W 90W Domestic Sewing Machine Motor CE with Foot control, belt & guard, White only
Made in Taiwan
BLT-RE30 Motor Belt, resin
inner circumference 30cm
BLT-3066 Motor Belt for Singer 201 etc., resin
inner circumference 34cm
(may be slightly short for some machines)
Made in Taiwan (best available quality)
Motor Belt for Singer 201 etc., resin
inner circumference 37cm
(out of stock)
BLT-4144 Motor Belt Singer 221, resin
inner circumference 43cm
Made in Taiwan (best available quality)




Cyndy Kitt Productions items are also available from
Anne Bonny's Locker